Issue 138
From Memorial Day to World Metrology Day, May offers opportunities to celebrate the foundations of both our country and also our international measurement community. On May 20th, your partners at The Modal Shop hosted games based on the kilogram, meter, and decibel - it created an interesting dialog between our highly technical and non-technical teammates about what metrology means in daily life.
Understanding Microphone Calibration Methods  

Regular microphone calibration is important for repeatability in testing, especially in Test & Measurement applications. Calibration options, outlined in IEC 61094, vary widely in terms of both cost and practicality. Regardless of the calibration method chosen, the chain of traceability must be considered...

Tip of the Month

Industry standards ISO 16063-21 (Vibration Calibration) and ISO 16063-22 (Shock Calibration) are frequently used in tandem to detect common accelerometer failure modes and also to calibrate the sensor in an environment similar to its intended application.

Blast from the Past:
How Do I Calibrate DC Response Accelerometers?

DC response accelerometers are vibration sensors capable of measuring a DC, or 0 Hz, response. The most common types of DC response accelerometers are based upon a variable resistive or capacitive design. Generally termed piezoresistive (PR) or variable capacitive (VC) within the measurement and instrumentation industry, these transducers cover a wide range of applications, from expensive precision transducers for military and defense applications, to very inexpensive MEMS transducers built on electronic component packages for smart phones and automobile airbag deployment sensors...

Aaron Goosman -  Lilian Golan  - Jesse Coy
Julie Dwyer - Mike Dillon -  Patrick Timmons -  Shannon Henize 

Calibration Team
The Modal Shop
Trade Shows
Seminars & Webinars
June 10 - 13
Grand Rapids, MI
June 17 - 21
Dallas, TX
July 7 - 11
Montreal, QC
August 3 - 8
Logan, UT
August 24 - 29
Cleveland, OH
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