TMS Square sensor & calibration tips                                          Your one-stop sound & vibration shop

Welcome to issue #38-
I spent last week in Europe attending the ISMA (International Seminar on Modal Analysis) conference at Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.  The conference and exhibition is growing and had over 600 attendees from various commercial, university and government labs mainly from Europe.  In additional to seeing many long time friends from prominent western European companies, it was also nice to observe many attendees from central European countries with their upbeat discussions on business, technology and manufacturing in this region.  Congratulations to all involved in organizing and attending the conference!
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Tip of the Month

Exciters are critical test pieces to any forced response measurement system from modal analysis to calibration. Ensure that you understand and have adequate stroke and force level from your exciter/amplifier pairing.  Stroke is especially important to generate adequate acceleration at low frequencies.

Quick Links
ISO TC 108 - Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring
ISO TC 108/SC 3 - Use and calibration of vibration and shock measuring instruments

SAVIAC - Orlando, FL (October 24-28)

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sensor & cal tips #37 - TEDS Increases Measurement Uncertainty?
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PCB Group Companies

Practical Considerations in Electro-dynamic Vibration Exciter Selection

ShakerA popular stop in the exhibit hall was the view of the SmartShaker with integrated amplifier and there were a number of questions about shaker force levels, frequency ranges and shaker/structure mounting means.  My colleague, Mr. Richard Bono, was also in attendance at the ISMA conference and presented a paper covering Practical Considerations on Vibration Exciter Selection and Operation, co-authored by The Modal Shop Structural Test Product Manager, Mr. Marco Peres.


Click here to link to the presentation presented at ISMA


Common Options for Accelerometer Calibration Frequency Response Systems

Air Bearing ShakerFrequency response function (FRF) and single point reference frequency amplitude sensitivity are the most common forms of accelerometer calibration. However, laboratories are becoming more interested in supplemental test capabilities to ensure both the health and performance of their users' accelerometers. The use of the new generation of robust and precise calibration actuators allows for greater control and shaping of input energy to shock and vibration calibration.  This month we've compiled a list and short description of the most common accelerometer calibration system capabilities. The techniques are in use around the world by various sensor companies, as well as the leading aerospace and transportation manufacturers.

Blast from the Past...

For those who may be new to our newsletter, we wanted to highlight an article from one of the first sensor & calibration tips newsletters - Sensing Elements: Quartz vs Ceramic...

Balance ScaleOver the years, there has been a great deal of discussion about the merits of selecting either quartz or ceramic as the sensing element for a piezoelectric accelerometer.  This month we'll review the benefits of each, along with citing certain applications where either one or the other excels....pun?
As The Modal Shop continues to celebrate our 20th Anniversary, we invite you to visit our Facebook page and become a fan or follow us on Twitter.  We've been adding both our tradeshow schedule and information about recent events around The Modal Shop.  Come and see how we live some of our core values of "Total Customer Satisfaction, Innovation and Community"!
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20 Year StickerMichael J. Lally
The Modal Shop
A PCB Group Company