Tip of the Month:
What About NIST Traceable vs Traceability to the SI Unit?
Technical Exchanges
By Bob Metz, Director, PCB Aerospace & Defense
June 18
Buffalo, NY
June 24-26
Chicago, IL
Orlando, FL
By Stephen Bill, Application Engineer, Retired
July 31
Orlando, FL
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ISO TC 108 - Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring
ISO TC 108/SC 3 - Use and calibration of vibration and shock measuring instruments
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Your Feedback on Digital Smart Sensing; Ohio University Uses Shakers on Humans in Bone Density Testing
USB Smart Sensor for Vibration; University of North Dakota Uses Shaker in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Testing
Select Newsletter Articles
by Topic
What Units Does an Accelerometer Calibration Value Have in the Digital World?
By Alex Lambert, TMS Junior Engineer
If you've used analog accelerometers before, then mV/g or mV/(m/s2) are familiar units for sensitivity. But what if the sensor itself is digital? The oncoming wave of digital accelerometers will have the digitization built right inside the sensor. This means that rather than outputting an analog signal proportional to acceleration, the sensor outputs digital samples of the acceleration sensing element's analog output. Before the signal reaches any external equipment, the measurement is...
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University of Massachusetts Lowell Conducts Vibration Exploratory Experiments
Graduate students at The University of  Massachusetts Lowell have been performing an ongoing series of student class projects on vibration. Research Assistant Sergio Obando explains that the students conducted MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and OMA (Operational Modal Analysis) testing on various academic structures. In particular, they tested a 1.5-ft (0.4572-m) aluminum frame and a multiple component system consisting of three aluminum plates mounted to a 50-ft (15.24-m) rectangular steel tube frame. The goal of the project was to simulate...
Blast from the Past: ICP� Options: What's your favorite flavor?
Within the world of ICP sensing there are some common options that can be applied to almost any typical accelerometer. Here's a quick review of the most common options. How many of them are you familiar with? This list contains the PCB� model number prefixes and a brief description of the options.
Thanks for joining us for another issue of "Dynamic Sensors & Calibration Tips." As always, please speak up and let us know what you like. We appreciate all feedback: positive, critical or otherwise. Take care!
 Michael J. Lally The Modal Shop, Inc.
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