Condition Monitoring: Solutions for Safety and Uptime
May 17, 2022, 08:53 AM
May 17, 2022

Instrumentation for Power Generation and Industrial Applications
The Modal Shop invites you to join us for a new webinar series: Condition Monitoring – Solutions for Safety and Uptime. We’re bringing in experts from PCB Piezotronics, The Modal Shop, and MTS Sensors to share decades
of testing experience in an easy-to-access format. Each session will last approximately 45 minutes with time for questions and answers.
At the end of the series, we'll share a certificate for continuing education credits accumulated. Learn more below and register today!
- On-Demand: How To: Turning Your Phone into a Vibration Analyzer
Did you know that your smart phone can become a vibration analyzer? Or a simple
vibration meter? All it takes to unlock the power of your smart phone is a high-accuracy digital USB accelerometer. Learn how to put the power of vibration measurements in the hands of your Instrumentation & Controls technicians. - On-Demand: Troubleshoot, Don’t Trash: Calibrating Differential Charge Accelerometers
Learn how to troubleshoot high-temperature differential
charge accelerometers found on gas turbines and their associated charge converters. This instrumentation can be calibrated as a system or individually, with NIST-traceability, no matter whether the output of the signal conditioning is dynamic
AC current or AC voltage. - On-Demand: Set It and Forget It: Automatic Tank Gauging
Accuracy of data and reliability of instrumentation are crucial for liquid level
measurements. Traditional measurements have included only basic information. New solutions offer volume measurement, temperature measurement, and HI level alarms while using a single device. Join the level measurement experts from MTS
Sensors to learn about applications ranging from hazardous areas to mobile tanks, with depths from 7 inches to over 70 feet. - On-Demand: High Temp, High Stakes: Pressure Probes for Combustion Monitoring
With a move toward better fuel efficiency and lower exhaust
emissions, the methods gas turbines use to burn fuel can lead to many problems. A leaner burn rate may help to keep NOx emissions low but can create other problems including combustion instability that can be damaging to fuel nozzles,
combustion baskets, transition pieces, and more downstream components over time. High temperature pressure probes for monitoring combustion dynamics can help monitor levels and identify problems before damage occurs. - On-Demand: Go Wireless: Converting Your Existing Vibration Monitoring Instrumentation
Would a simple, effective, alarm-based wireless
vibration monitoring system improve your uptime? Interested in wireless vibration monitoring that builds upon your existing program rather than replacing it? Join us to learn how installed accelerometers can be re-purposed into a sophisticated
wireless vibration condition monitoring system that provides daily machinery health evaluation, synced to your existing system. - On-Demand: Breaking Barriers: Getting Started with 4-20 mA Vibration Transmitters
Monitoring vibration is the best way to ensure the
health of critical rotating equipment and eliminate downtime. What if vibration measurements were as easy as temperature, flow, and pressure? What if vibration were just another number, trend line, and alarm in your control room? From
simple overall measurements to challenging rolling element bearing faults or reciprocating compressor impacting, learn how 4-20 mA vibration instrumentation works to simplify the complex task of condition monitoring. - On-Demand: Ditch the Service Contract: On-Site Vibration Analyzer Calibration
Do you have an “older” vibration analyzer that the OEM will
not calibrate? Are you looking for an alternative to an expensive vibration analyzer service contract? Join us to learn how to “calibrate” a portable vibration analyzer and its associated accelerometer onsite, from the comfort
of your facility.