Safety Critical - Vibration And Noise Monitoring
May 17, 2022, 08:53 AM
May 17, 2022

A Practical Approach to Sensors and Instrumentation for Power Generation
The Modal Shop invites you to join us for a new webinar series: Safety Critical - A Practical Approach to Sensors and Instrumentation for Power Generation. We’re bringing in experts from PCB Piezotronics, Accumetrics, and Larson
Davis to share decades of testing wisdom in an easy-to-access format. Each session will last approximately 45 minutes with time for questions and answers.
At the end of the series, we’ll share a certificate for continuing education credits accumulated. Learn more below and register today!
- Why Wait? PCB Turbine Sensors Deliver - Highly Specialized, Short Turnaround - On-Demand
PCB Piezotronics’ high temperature accelerometers, including revolutionary UHT-12 designs, have numerous technical advantages, including a wider operating frequency range, low noise operation, and better long term stability. Better
yet, they are ready to ship on short notice. Learn how you can spend less time chasing false trips and know that your vibration instrumentation will arrive when needed. - Testing and Troubleshooting Vibration Shutdown Alarms - On-Demand
Ready to troubleshoot issues before they become false trips or ignored faults? With
many possible sources of error within a Vibration Monitoring System, ranging from cables and programming to sensors and more, having the right tools is key. Real-time troubleshooting with a portable vibration calibrator can increase your uptime
and improve safety. Join us for a review of common issues such as incorrect cabling and gap voltage on installed proximity probe measurement systems. - Top 3 Ways to Improve Personal Noise Exposure in Hazardous or Safe Environments - On-Demand
No matter the environment, monitoring worker noise exposure
is one of the many challenges faced by Industrial Hygienists and Plant Safety Managers. From working to meet compliance directive 2003/10/EC to prevention or validation, obtaining quick, accurate measurements is essential. Join us to learn
how technological advancements are improving the ability to make quality worker noise exposure measurements the first time. - Prevent Generator Failure with Real-Time Ground Fault Monitoring - On-Demand
Does your plant utilize brushless generators? While these motors are known
for their longevity and efficiency, ground faults present a very real risk of damage and downtime. Grounding issues put stress on the rotor, leading to failure and warpage, costly unplanned outages, and even catastrophic loss. Join us for
a discussion on detecting ground faults BEFORE they become an issue – with tools that offer 24 / 7 monitoring while the generator is running. - Human Vibration Measurements: Risks, Limits, and Mitigation - On-Demand
From quick assessment to measurement techniques, join us to learn about the methods
of evaluating human vibration exposure. Discussion will center on both hand arm vibration (ISO 5349) and whole body vibration (ISO 2631) as well as the application of various weightings. Learn how to make measurements compliant with EU Directive
2002/44/EC. - Why Calibrate? The Importance of Accelerometer and Pressure Sensor Calibration - On-Demand
Why throw away accelerometers and pressure sensors that are
potentially performing to spec? Recalibration of these sensors during routine maintenance can validate sensor performance to factory specifications, saving you both time and money. Join us to learn how to reproduce the original calibration
of accelerometers and pressure sensors onsite, in your own facility.